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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Site: Come Out Together for Equality!

The First Website Ever For The LGBT Community and Allies to Post Their Picture and/or Tell Their Story and Come Out Together for Equality!

Invisible no more! Show your face, tell your story and be proud.

There are an estimated 9 million out LGBT people in the US alone.  That estimate reflects only a slightly less than 4% of the entire population, yet we hear that more than 9% of the population is actually gay.  Our community is still struggling for equal rights, to marry legally, to be out without discrimination and all the other legal rights afforded to straight people.

What if there was a website where the entire LGBT and Ally community could come out together, post a picture, tell a story, and show the world that we need to be seen and heard?  There is strength in numbers.  Together each of us can feel safer, stronger and united in our cause to be free and equal.

Be part of this historic quest for equality as we drive to show our strength in numbers. Help get the word out to the world, not just in your area, not just in the US, but in every country.  If there are 9 million people in the US, let’s assume there are 100 Million of us in the world seeking equality for all.

The time is now and the place is here!

1 comment:

  1. estimated 9 million out LGBT people in the US alone. That estimate reflects only a slightly less thsboan 4% of the entire population, yet we hear that more than 9% of the population is actually gay. Our community is still struggling for equal rights, to marry legally, to be out without discrimination and all the other legal rights afforded to straight people.


Let us know what you think!